Comparison of a sequence of entire body MRI (DWIBS)

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Comparison of a sequence of entire body MRI (DWIBS)
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Comparison of a sequence of entire body MRI (DWIBS)

To FDG- PET scan

In metastases detection

Preliminary results on 11 young patients.

An emerging revolution of the role of MRI in oncology studies ?

• Raymond Poincaré hospital Garches France

• Eichwald f, Carre s, Lankri z, Alkhallaf s, Delepine n, Vallée c

Â" CTOS LONDRES 13 au 15 Novembre 2008 et EMSOS 2008

Long-term evaluation of a sequence of MRI diffusion (Diffusion Weighted Whole Body Imaging with Background body Signal Suppression: DWIBS) and comparison to the PET-scan

Material and method

11 patients- 6 girls, 5 boys,12 to 25 years, av 17

with metastases of a known cancer

average delay of 8.2 days (2 to 15) of an exploration by pet-scan and entire body MRI

following a standard protocol (axial cuttings T2, frontal STIR, T1 without and then after intravenous contrast) completed by the sequence DWIBS

exams were read in double blind by specialists


Tableau 2 – Grille de lecture.

La grille de lecture est identique pour le protocole 1, le protocole 2 et le PET-scanner

Tableau 4 – Délai de réalisation entre l’IRM et le PET Scanner

Tableau 5 - Nombre total de localisations suspectes par technique et par patient

Tableau 6 - Nombre de localisations osseuses suspectes de malignité par technique et par patient

Tableau 7 - Nombre de localisations ganglionnaires suspectes de malignité par technique et par patient

Tableau 8 - Nombre total de localisations par technique et par région anatomique

Tableau 9 – Comparaison des protocoles 1 et 2 par patient ; Comparaison du protocole 2 et du PET-Scanner par patient


All organs examinated

The uncertain pictures were detected

34 times by the PET-scan

44 times by standard MRI (+ 23%)

51 times by the MRI DWIBS (+ 34%)

In the latter case

7/8 anomalies were not visible on the PET

For bony locations, the figures respectively were 20, 26 and 29

 Discussion

 In the literature

 The standard MRI is less sensitive in the

detection of lung metastasis or lymphnodes

 But more accurate for the detection of

cerebral, hepatic or bony lesions

 Discussion

 The addition to this "classical" protocol of a sequence DWIBS seems

– According to our results

• Bring a significant gain in the detection of

secondary locations

• Appears to increase the capacity of detection of

lymph nodes where it surpasses the one of the pet


• For bony or hepatic locations, it increases the

detection of questionable lesions

• Eichwald f, Carre s, Lankri z, Delepine n, Vallée c

• Raymond Poincaré hospital Garches France

Â" EMSOS 2008


long-term evaluation of a sequence of MRI diffusion (Diffusion Weighted Whole Body Imaging with Background body Signal Suppression: DWIBS)

and comparison to the PET-scan.

Material and method

11 patients- 6 girls, 5 boys,12 to 25 years, av 17

with metastases of a known cancer

average delay of 8.2 days (2 to 15) of an exploration by pet-scan and entire body MRI

following a standard protocol (axial cuttings T2, frontal STIR, T1 without and then after intravenous contrast) completed by the sequence DWIBS

exams were read in double blind by specialists.


Tableau 2 – Grille de lecture.

La grille de lecture est identique pour le protocole 1, le protocole 2 et le PET-scanner

Tableau 4 – Délai de réalisation entre l’IRM et le PET Scanner

Tableau 5 - Nombre total de localisations suspectes par technique et par patient.

Tableau 6 - Nombre de localisations osseuses suspectes de malignité par technique et par patient.

Tableau 7 - Nombre de localisations ganglionnaires suspectes de malignité par technique et par patient.

Tableau 8 - Nombre total de localisations par technique et par région anatomique.

Tableau 9 – Comparaison des protocoles 1 et 2 par patient ; Comparaison du protocole 2 et du PET-Scanner par patient.


All organs examinated

the uncertain pictures were detected

34 times by the PET-scan

44 times by standard MRI (+ 23%)

51 times by the MRI DWIBS (+ 34%)

in the latter case

7/8 anomalies were not visible on the PET

For bony locations, the figures respectively were 20, 26 and 29.

 Discussion

 in the literature

 the standard MRI is less sensitive in the detection of lung metastases or lymph nodes

 but more accurate for the detection of cerebral, hepatic or bony lesions

 Discussion:

 The addition to this "classical" protocol of a sequence DWIBS seems

– according to our results

• bring a significant gain in the detection of secondary locations.

• appears to increase the capacity of detection of lymph nodes where it surpasses the one of the pet-scan.

• For bony or hepatic locations, it increases the detection of questionable lesions.

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